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Flora Tong


Data Analyst

Flo­ra Tong is a data ana­lyst at IMPACT Com­mu­ni­ty Cap­i­tal, where she lever­ages her exper­tise to man­age and opti­mize its Sales­force data­base. She sup­ports the com­pa­ny’s mis­sion through effi­cient data man­age­ment and analy­sis, uti­liz­ing her cod­ing skills to auto­mate finan­cial data mod­el­ing and stream­line data migration. 

Before join­ing IMPACT, Flo­ra worked as a Data Engi­neer at At Home Group, where she built scal­able data pipelines and devel­oped data mod­els for inven­to­ry and sales fore­cast­ing. Flo­ra led an exten­sive geo-cod­ing project for At Home­’s 16 mil­lion cus­tomers. By ana­lyz­ing cus­tomer coor­di­nates, their dis­tance to the near­est store, and shop­ping behav­iors, she stream­lined geo-fenc­ing mar­ket­ing cam­paigns to enhance pre­ci­sion and efficiency. 

Ear­li­er in her career, Flo­ra served as a Mar­ket­ing Data Ana­lyst at Deem. 

Flo­ra grad­u­at­ed from UC San­ta Bar­bara with a B.S. in Data Sci­ence. Out­side of work, she enjoys hik­ing with her dog, bik­ing, and tak­ing care of her suc­cu­lent garden.