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Mike Moran Headshot


Managing Director, Real Estate

IMPACT Community Capital Board Chair

Mike Moran man­ages All­state’s com­mer­cial real estate invest­ment port­fo­lio. He over­sees all aspects of real estate debt and equi­ty pri­vate asset acqui­si­tions and port­fo­lio man­age­ment for the com­pa­ny’s com­mer­cial mort­gage loan orig­i­na­tion pro­gram and expand­ing equi­ty real estate portfolios. 

Mike joined All­state in 1996 as an ana­lyst trad­ing com­mer­cial mort­gage-backed secu­ri­ties on the real estate team. Mike holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and real estate from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin at Madi­son. He serves as a mem­ber of the board of trustees of the Com­mer­cial Real Estate Finance Coun­cil and sits on that board­’s Strate­gic Over­sight Com­mit­tee. Mike has served on the board for IMPACT Com­mu­ni­ty Cap­i­tal since 2016