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M Lohmeier


Chief Investment Officer

Michael Lohmeier joined IMPACT in 2017 as Chief Invest­ment Offi­cer and has over­all respon­si­bil­i­ty for the strat­e­gy and exe­cu­tion of IMPACT’s invest­ment pro­grams, includ­ing man­ag­ing more than $1.0B of invest­ments for major insti­tu­tion­al investors.

Pri­or to join­ing IMPACT, Michael spent 19 years in com­mer­cial lend­ing and invest­ment man­age­ment, includ­ing near­ly 12 years at Wes­path Ben­e­fits and Invest­ments, serv­ing as its Man­ag­ing Direc­tor – Invest­ment Man­age­ment since 2013. As Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Michael led Wespath’s Equi­ty, Fixed Income and Pos­i­tive Social Pur­pose Lend­ing Pro­gram (PSP) teams, pro­vid­ing oper­a­tional over­sight, tac­ti­cal invest­ment and risk man­age­ment sup­port and lead­ing broad strate­gic invest­ment ini­tia­tives. Pri­or to this role, Michael man­aged Wespath’s Pos­i­tive Social Pur­pose Lend­ing Pro­gram for eight years. Michael’s pri­or expe­ri­ence includes sig­nif­i­cant work with Fan­nie Mae, the Illi­nois Hous­ing Devel­op­ment Author­i­ty and the North­ern Trust Company. 

Michael holds a B.A. degree in Eco­nom­ics and Polit­i­cal Sci­ence from North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty and a Mas­ter of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy degree from The Har­ris School of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Stud­ies, Uni­ver­si­ty of Chicago.