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Ryan Cunningham


Manager, Investments

Ryan Cun­ning­ham is the Senior Under­writer for IMPACT Com­mu­ni­ty Cap­i­tal. Ryan joined IMPACT in 2021 and assists with under­writ­ing prospec­tive afford­able hous­ing loans, port­fo­lio man­age­ment, and man­ag­ing orig­i­na­tor rela­tion­ships across all of IMPACT’s invest­ment platforms.

Ryan has worked in the com­mer­cial real estate indus­try for over 6 years. Pri­or to join­ing IMPACT, Ryan worked as a Real Estate Invest­ment Man­ag­er at Foss and Com­pa­ny where he struc­tured his­toric tax cred­it equi­ty place­ments. Ryan has also worked in acqui­si­tions at Ben­tall­GreenOak and served as an under­writ­ing ana­lyst in Pru­den­tial Real Estate’s GSE mort­gage group.

Ryan is a grad­u­ate of UC Berke­ley, where he received a B.A. in His­to­ry. When he’s not work­ing, Ryan enjoys read­ing, craft cock­tails, and try­ing out new board games.