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Associate, Investments

Mit­ty Bhard­waj is an Under­writer for IMPACT Com­mu­ni­ty Cap­i­tal. Mit­ty joined IMPACT in 2022 and assists with under­writ­ing prospec­tive afford­able hous­ing loans, port­fo­lio man­age­ment, and man­ag­ing orig­i­na­tor rela­tion­ships across all of IMPACT’s invest­ment plat­forms.

Mit­ty has worked in the com­mer­cial real estate indus­try for 2 years. Pri­or to join­ing IMPACT, Mit­ty worked as an acqui­si­tions ana­lyst at Dalfen Indus­tri­als. Mit­ty is cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of var­i­ous com­mer­cial real estate orga­ni­za­tions such as NAIOP, ULI and Belden.

Mit­ty is a recent grad­u­ate of San Fran­cis­co State Uni­ver­si­ty, where he received a Mas­ters in Finance B.S. in Finance, and a B.S. in Deci­sion Sci­ences. When he’s not work­ing, Mit­ty enjoys read­ing and play­ing his ukulele.